Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18, 2013 - 5 Quick Q & A's

1. Have you had the opportunity to go to the Provo temple?We go to the temple every P-day. We go first thing in the morning, so we go to the temple cafeteria for breakfast, and then we go and do a session as a zone. It's the greatest!
2. Have you seen anyone that you know? Yeah, I've seen a few people. Jaden, Connor, Katie, Cassidy, my friend Meg from high school, Melinda. That's pretty much it though. Most of the people here now are 18 and 19 year many of my friends.
3.What is the latest on your VISA and departure date?  Are you learning the language so fast they are sending you out sooner? We haven't heard anything further on Visas since we met with the consolate. Usually people get their travel plans a week or two before they are supposed to leave, so that's this next week for us..CRAZY. So we'll see. we're all really praying that they come on time, but hey, wherever the Lord needs us. Chicago??
4. What real food are you craving that I can send on ice or in a heated bag with the same day delivery service? Are you out of chocolate yet?I don't know exactly how the same day delivery thing works... we get the mail every day after lunch (12:20) and dinner (5:20). But honestly if there's any way for you to send real MEAT that would be fantastic. I do have a microwave in the residence hall. I honestly don't know what they feed us in the "special" food room, but it is unnaturally bouncy and looks way too much like Molly's chow.
5. Do you spend time with other Speaking districts or just the 7 in your district? We have 3 other districs in our zone right now that we see sometimes, they're in the same class hall as us, and we have sacrament/testimony meetings with them. but honestly we spend most of our day in our little classroom. It's where we study, have class, study, teach lessons, study, pray, sing, study, have class, plan, study, and pray. except for the 3 times we leave for meals and bed and gym during the day. We do EVERYTHING in that room.
Which reminds me of a story. So just a little word of caution: MTC humor is an absolute joke. literally. We can't really talk about many things from 'the outside world', and we try and focus as much as possible, but let's face it, 18 year old elders need a little break now and then to sing (in their VERY tone-deaf voices) Hercules and Mulan songs as they dance around the room. Elder Wengert and I both watched Wreck-it Ralph as our last movie, so naturally that comes up a lot. Then, the other day we were sitting in class, getting ready for our Spanish lesson. We have 3 books: Grande (which means big) and we call that one Gary, Largo (Long) and we call that one Larry, and Piqueña (which means little) and we call that one Perry. Elder Wengert couldn't find his little book, so he goes "Hey! Donde esta Perry??" in a Phineas voice. "Hey, Where's Perry?" I feel like maybe this is one of those "you had to be there" times, but we all thought it was quite clever. It's the little things.

So the photo thing... turns out I need a card reader to upload pictures onto the computers here, and probably in Argentina as well. Could you please check at Walmart for that? Someone told me they're like $10 or so. Thank you! But did you get any of my pictures that I sent you last week??

 drawing contests... the Garden of Eden-Hermana Cox

drawing contests-The Garden of Eden-Elder Wengert

Hermana Tanner and I are awkwardly cute. had to send this because we couldn't figure out how my body did that...( my torso disappeared). these don't need to go on the blog ;)

Elder Connor Kent and me!

             Jaden and I.  Love her!
    Sister Jaden Anderson-Lima Peru

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